Makes repeated use of this trope of a woman’s mouth stuffed

“Given the double entendre of big hamburgers standing in for erections, it is no surprise that some companies advertise their fare via women who can cram a hamburger, a Thick Burger, a Whopper custom sex doll, a Big Boy, etc., into their mouths. Carl’s Jr. Makes repeated use of this trope of a woman’s mouth stuffed with burger.

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Once custom sex doll, I read a very interesting article where the relation between the women roles in porn go around the pleasure of men and how porn culture and society have allowed to make a lot of people think that sex is something that is and goes certain way and we accept these behaviors and attitudes towards us, women. I don’t like porn because of this custom sex doll, it shows aggressive actions and thoughts on young girls as a sex toys or materials. But again, the sex we see on non porn tv shows custom sex doll, movies, etc.

That’s what ultimately makes the swinging so much fun in that game. If you’re just trying to get from point A to point B, it was super simple. But if you tried doing it as fast as possible, perhaps with a little style, it was almost arbitrarily difficult.

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